Preparing for the PC10 Public Hearings

Preparing for the PC10 Public Hearings

The Ministry for the Environment (MFE) has compiled a useful guide outlining how to prepare for a public hearing.  Here are some of the main points from this online booklet.hearings_250px

The public hearing gives you the chance to explain your submission to the hearing committee, and to present evidence that supports your submission. You’ll have the chance to read out a written statement, and to present evidence that supports your submission. The hearing committee might ask you questions about your submission, your statement or your evidence.

How to do well on the day

Everyone is there for the same reason, and needs their views to be heard. The hearing committee is only interested in the relevant facts and opinions.

  • Nothing beats preparation for getting your point across on the day. Practice reading out your statement. You want to get it right and to look confident and comfortable on the day.
  • Think about what questions the hearing committee might ask you and prepare answers
  • Stick to the facts in your statement.
  • Focus on the environmental matters, not simply what you like and dislike.
  • Expand on your submission, but don’t introduce any new issues.
  • Don’t repeat yourself or be long winded.
  • Don’t play on emotions or breach protocol.