Update on RMA process to protect Lake Rotorua – Submissions closed

Update on RMA process to protect Lake Rotorua – Submissions closed

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Media Release, 28 April 2016

A total of ninety submissions have been received during the formal submission period for the proposed Lake Rotorua Nutrient rules. This is lower than would normally be received for a plan change of this significance and reflects the substantive input our communities have had into the drafting of these proposed rules.

The proposed Plan Change to the Bay of Plenty Regional Water and Land Plan is one of four components of the integrated framework delivered by the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Programme (RTALP) aimed at protecting the water quality in Lake Rotorua.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chair Doug Leeder said, “Everyone wants long term sustainable water quality and agree that changes must be made.

We’ve spent the past two and half years consulting with our communities to help develop the proposed rules, and would like to thank those who took the time to express their views in a formal submission.”

A summary of the submissions received is being prepared and will be released on the 4th July. This will provide an opportunity for people to consider and provide feedback on changes proposed by these submissions. Submitters wishing to be heard will be notified of the hearing dates, which are currently anticipated to be in November.

The Regional Council with the Ministry of the Environment have set aside a total fund of $5.5million to help affected landowners reach the requirements of the rules.

Landowners can find out how to access this fund, and what changes they may need to make by: phone the dedicated Landowners Advice Line 07 921 3377, visit or pop in to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council office at 1125 Arawa Street, Rotorua.

For more information contact Hariata Ngatai, Marketing and Communications Advisor on 027 588 8170 or